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Registered: 05-2011
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Folk Memory proves true

I grew up on Nashes Farm, Crowhurst mid 50's early 60's. It was my grandfather's farm. As a child I was always told that the farm was part of the true site of th Battle of Hastings and that the stream at certain times of year 'runs red with the blood of Saxon Men'.
Of course with a 'Pond Bay' on the land it is probable that the stream runs red due to iron deposits, however with the information the research (secrets of the norman invasion) highlights perhaps also, there is some truth in the second part of this folk memory, especially as the stream vents at Bulverhythe!
Pleased this has been pulished at last.

Another thought, Is it possible that the Oak beam could have been part of a wooden henge? especially with the date that has been suggested.

May/1/2011, 5:09 pm Link to this post Send Email to juliaoak   Send PM to juliaoak Blog

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